Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
Some time ago, before I got rich and famous on the internet, I turned to the self-help section of the web to find out why my life sucked (and how to make it suck less).
I wasn’t even trying to get rich or start a business. I just wanted to get a little bit ahead.
I was tired of being a loser.
I devoured books and seminars by all the greats – Carnegie, Robbins, Ferris, Proctor, Tracy, Kiyosaki, Rohn…
One day I was browsing Tony’s website and noticed he was doing something I now call e-Farming.
I decided to check if other “gurus” were doing it too.
I went to Tim Ferris’s website – he was doing it!
I went to Bob Proctor’s website – he was doing it!
I could pull a self help guru out of a hat and there was a high chance they too were e-Farming.
It got me thinking – can I do it too?
Thing is, though, I wasn’t a guru. I wasn’t a best-selling author. I didn’t conduct any seminars. I didn’t consult celebrities.
I decided to dig into their strategy anyway and soon discovered there was a small group of completely regular people who were doing e-Farming without being famous or writing any books.
Many didn’t even share their real name anywhere online.
Some were e-Farming full time while others did it part time (while earning more than their day jobs).
I decided to give this e-Farming thing a shot.
and I never looked back.
Since then I’ve semi-retired having made millions of dollars online.
If you’d like to find out how to make roughly double of a heart surgeon’s salary with e-Farming, then I invite you to sign up for the no cost training I’m doing live this week.
Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with owning a farm or herding livestock. It doesn’t require any permits or higher education.
It’s nothing like a traditional business that requires renting a facility, soliciting people or hiring employees.
You don’t have to put your neck on the chopping block by taking large financial risks either.
You won’t even need to pick up the phone. It’s all online.
RSVP Your Seat Now
Igor Kheifets & clientName